Showing posts with label Life vocabulary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Life vocabulary. Show all posts

Friday, 15 July 2016

Transforming the life vocabulary

Transforming the life vocabulary
Your life vocabulary is the selection of words you normally choose to express in day-to-day
conversation or even thinking. Each thought coming to your mind or each word spoken by you reverberates in the system and produce electrical impulses through the neurotransmitters. Each electrical impulse affects some specific part of nervous and lymphatic system of our body through the brain. Your brain receives and processes more than one million such signals per second, which sends different responses to different internal systems and subsystems of the body. A as a result of effect of electrical impulses several thousand chemicals are produced in the system. Each chemical has its own effect on the body metabolism and immune system. Your physical, mental and emotional life is guided by the vocabulary you choose to converse or think. Each word chosen by you has deep impact on your emotions, thoughts and actions.  The words you choose to communicate are the indicators of your internal representations and that is how you experience the words spoken by others. Words can injure our egos or inflame our hearts- we can instantly change any emotional experience simply by choosing new words. This is known as transformation of life vocabulary. If you fail to master the life vocabulary and the words, their selection is then guided by subconscious habit, thus making a habit of using negatively poised words. Modification of life vocabulary is possible through transforming the vocabulary by intentionally choosing the positive words instead of negatively poised words. This also helps in changing the life metaphor. Using emotionally charged transformed vocabulary can metamorphose your own internal state as well as the state around you.
Negatively poised sentence
Transformed Sentence
      I feel disgusted as everything here stinks.
      I will be surprised if everything starts changing here.
       Trust in the governance is getting lost day-by-day.
       We have to search indicators of improvements in the governance.
       Families are disintegrating fast.
       Families live very differently today.
       Why others should get it, if they do not deserve.
       One who deserves, definitely gets the return at one point of time.
       I am too lonely to fight in this world of anarchy.
       You have to find similar minded people to makes changes in this world.
       I fear when i go out.
       One must remain concerned about safety when you go out.
       I hate to be here.
       I prefer a constructive change here.
       I am seriously disappointed by your actions.
       Your actions are bit underwhelming.
       I am too confused to decide anything.
       I remain curious while taking decision.
       I feel too depressed now a days.
       I feel on a road to a  turn-around.
       The humiliation was too painful for me.
       Your actions were utter surprise to me.
       Frustration has taken everything from our youths.
       Our youths are fascinated about fast changes in their lives.
       I feel irritated when i talk to someone.
       I feel challenged when i talk to someone.
       I am exhausted in convincing you.
       I need recharging to convince you.
       Oh!!!Shit…things are getting worse.
       Oh…god!!! I expect some miracle now.

Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Video on "The Science & Art of Managing Self" - Part 2

The self management is key to life. Self management includes management of our physical, mental and emotional health. We are guided by thousands and thousands emotional thoughts in our daily life. One positive emotion gives a sense of joy and happiness whereas one negative thought takes us into a gloomy world. Each thought put the immune system into action and thousands and may be millions of chemicals are pumped into our system. These chemicals are responsible for our emotional management. More positivism means more good chemicals and more negativity means more negative chemicals. Its a personal choice to design quality of life. Your thought process guides the mind-body connection and as the connection become permanent our life becomes what we intend to. The total health as perceived by us can provide us the kind of potential we want to excel in our life.
The video is collection and collation of wide variety of information and research from ayurveda, epic documents of spiritual science,  vedas, upnishads and western science.
The video is in two parts.

The Science & Art of Managing Self- Part 2
Self management is an art and science too. Manging my physical, mental and emotional body makes up my Total Health.
Also have a look at the article

Video on "The Science & Art of Managing Self"- Part 1

The self management is key to life. Self management includes management of our physical, mental and emotional health. We are guided by thousands and thousands emotional thoughts in our daily life. One positive emotion gives a sense of joy and happiness whereas one negative thought takes us into a gloomy world. Each thought put the immune system into action and thousands and may be millions of chemicals are pumped into our system. These chemicals are responsible for our emotional management. More positivism means more good chemicals and more negativity means more negative chemicals. Its a personal choice to design quality of life. Your thought process guides the mind-body connection and as the connection become permanent our life becomes what we intend to. The total health as perceived by us can provide us the kind of potential we want to excel in our life.
The video is collection and collation of wide variety of information and research from ayurveda, epic documents of spiritual science,  vedas, upnishads and western science.
The video is in two parts.

The Science and Art of managing Self- Part 1
A video providing lots of valuable information on life management and keep the health in focus.

Sunday, 20 December 2015

Words have Power- My Life Metaphor

Your "Life Vocabulary" decides quality of your life. Vocabulary is a list or collection of the words or phrases of a language, technical fieldetc., or collection of symbols or even non-verbal connotations. "Life Vocabulary" is the collection of all those words, phrases, symbols or non-verbal connotations, signals or impressions which we normally use in our day-to-day life repeatedly to communicate, address or present ourselves in the life-events. We habitually use these words or non-verbal signals/cues again and again to express ourselves. These words or non-verbal cues/ signals represent our internal make-up of our mind or our thought process. Our thoughts and the metabolism are inter-connected.
Have you ever thought??
  • Why some people get angry too easily?
  • Why some people have low self-esteem and poor confidence level?
  • Why some people have extremely low tolerance??
The answer lies in the thought process which the individual normally follows. Let us understand the relationship of our thoughts and our metabolism. The moment a thought appears in the brain, flashes occur and these flashes send thousands of signals to different organs of the body resulting in release of numerous chemicals which we normally call hormones. These chemicals trigger different physiological actions or reactions which is indicated by a behaviour pattern. This process leads to another set of thoughts and the cycle continues.
Words have power. Words can cure, as well they can also injure. Injuring words are spoken whenever we are emotionally charged, irritate, become anxious or impulsive. More often, these words injure a person first who use them before they injure the listeners. The quality of words which we choose to represent ourselves, depend upon our "Life Metaphor". 
  • All of our earlier experiences and assumptions are stored in the mind box. The key of this mind box is called a ‘global metaphor’.
  • This “global metaphor" comes from our belief system.
  • Our thoughts are constantly guided by these metaphors.
  • One metaphor attracts another of similar nature.
  • Metaphors acts as scaffold for anchoring new learning whether GOOD or BAD.
 Metaphors are  thoughts initiators,  catalysts, emotional  chargers,  key to life or

internal manager of the brain. If I own a negative metaphor e.g.  I am critical then I will look everything critically and that too negatively critical. This will messed up my life as well as of all those who are around me.
Our physical, mental and emotional life is guided by the vocabulary we choose for ourselves. Each word chosen by us has deep impact on our emotions, thoughts and actions.  As I said,
the words you choose to communicate are the indicators of your internal representations and that is how you experience the words spoken by others.
Negatively poised words create negative internal emotions & expressions, which guide our actions negatively.  Negative emotions & expressions produce harmful internal chemicals through our body chemistry. The type & frequency of production of such chemicals depend upon your metabolism. Negatively oriented metabolism create disease state in the body.
          AGGRESSIVE = I can kill someone.
          CRITICAL = Things will always go wrong.
          PESSIMISTIC = Nothing can improve.
          DISEMPOWERING = I am loosing heart.
          AGITATING = Everybody is selfish.
          CHARGED = Let me prove others wrong.
          ENERGISING = Yes, I can do it.
          OPTIMISTIC = I can see a ray of hope.
          EMPOWERING = Life is beautiful.
          LIVELY = GOD is always there to help me.
Refrain from owning a negative metaphor. this kills.

बॉडी मसाज ऑइल-कुछ अनुभूत प्रयोग- १

  जिंदगी में रिसर्च एक मौलिक तत्व है, जो होना चाहिए, दिखना चाहिए ,उसका इस्तेमाल अपनी जिंदगी के उत्तरोत्तर सुधार के लिए किया जाना चाहिए। मैंन...