Showing posts with label common sense. Show all posts
Showing posts with label common sense. Show all posts

Sunday 21 June 2015

How NOT to get angry??

Getting angry is a routine, like I eat food, I drink water, I do this and I do that... so I do get angry also... What is so uncommon about it? Getting angry, "if its a routine", then the matter is serious enough to take guard of situation immediately before it becomes urgent. The question is... where from this anger comes?? Anger comes from anxiety. Anxiety is the internal state of the individual when he/she is compromising his/her comfort zone. A little discomfort causes anxiety and throughput is anger. The worst part of anger are those innumerable harmful chemicals generated within our body due to brain flashes caused by anger. These chemicals cause upset stomach, headache, acidity, insomnia, bulimia and what not. As a matter of  fact, these chemicals are the origin of future diseases which you are going to have. There is no one way to stop these chemicals from oozing out. The body gets adapt to these chemicals slowly but the most harmful effect is, the brain looses connection with certain internal mechanism where these chemicals are stored.
what annoys you??
When you are in a class or out of class and some strange behaviour of your students annoy you, what you need to do? Get angry, furious or just ignore. If you leave your unlocked bike in the centre of town, it is likely to get stolen. This can be frustrating and is likely to give rise to feelings of anger. Of course, we should  minimise this kind of situation – simply remember to lock your bike. If we feel there is an injustice in our workplace, we should work to resolve it; this will make our work environment more peaceful and less prone to creating anger. If we have a partner who is abusive, the solution is not just dealing with our own anger, but finding a more peaceful living situation.
Most of the time in our life, you need to use Common Sense.
How should I NOT get angry???
First thing, it is important to minimise the internal discomfort. Take the things/people /situation as they are. Don't put your brain unnecessarily to it. And the second important thing to NOT to get angry is, "don't fight with the anger". When you get angry, you fight with your own emotions and give it a rise till it bursts. When it comes, take a little stroll, drink a little water or watch a beautiful picture. And do the best you can for anything you are doing (for which you will feel pride). If you are cleaning do it in the best way. If you are writing, do it the best way.
My roads are dirty, it angers me. People drive rash, it angers me. Government doesn't do the right thing, it angers me. Let me guide this anger to another path where it takes a little stroll and I funnel it to a different channel. I take picture of a dirty road and sent it to the local municipal officer. I post a video of rash driving and its result on the social media. i write on good governance on social media. When we try to transcend anger, it doesn’t mean we have to acquiesce to injustice and unfairness. We should strive to make the world a better place. However, whatever our goals, it is always best to act with poise and a clear mind. Acting under the influence of anger makes it more difficult to attain what we wish to achieve.
Finally as a teacher, I occasionally feign anger to make students pay attention; sometimes, you need to show a stern face. thats the best way, NOT actually getting angry but showing anger. However, as a teacher you can’t afford to allow yourself to be over-run with the emotion of anger because then you may over-react and create problems.

बॉडी मसाज ऑइल-कुछ अनुभूत प्रयोग- १

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