Showing posts with label resistance stage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label resistance stage. Show all posts

Thursday, 28 January 2016

Video on "Understanding stress"

Stress is a big menace. But you need stress too. Positive stress or eustress is good for personal growth as it enhances energy to fight back for growth and development. 

There is only hair line difference between a positive and negative stress. Positive stress such as challenges turn into negative one such as depressions as soon the pressure on personal demands increases. It is important to remember that emotions like depressions do not happen to you. You don’t catch depression like cold or fever. 

You create it by efforts, like every other result in your life. Stress is the unique in the category of diseases. It has no biological carrier such as germ or virus, yet it is worse than an epidemic when negatively poised. 

You know that modern high paced, mechanical life put immense strain on human system. But, can the human being take more and more worry, strain and tension, beyond a limit- without cracking up? Remaining stress free is impossible. Health implications of negative stressors are severe. 

To your utmost surprise it triggers such low profile early indicators like change in appetite, headache, anger, etc. those are never considered as intrinsic potential danger to future life and slowly turn into cancers, ulcers, heart attack, etc.

The video talks about basic concepts to understand stress.

Please read the articles

बॉडी मसाज ऑइल-कुछ अनुभूत प्रयोग- १

  जिंदगी में रिसर्च एक मौलिक तत्व है, जो होना चाहिए, दिखना चाहिए ,उसका इस्तेमाल अपनी जिंदगी के उत्तरोत्तर सुधार के लिए किया जाना चाहिए। मैंन...