The self management is key to life. Self management includes management of our physical, mental and emotional health. We are guided by thousands and thousands emotional thoughts in our daily life. One positive emotion gives a sense of joy and happiness whereas one negative thought takes us into a gloomy world. Each thought put the immune system into action and thousands and may be millions of chemicals are pumped into our system. These chemicals are responsible for our emotional management. More positivism means more good chemicals and more negativity means more negative chemicals. Its a personal choice to design quality of life. Your thought process guides the mind-body connection and as the connection become permanent our life becomes what we intend to. The total health as perceived by us can provide us the kind of potential we want to excel in our life.
The video is collection and collation of wide variety of information and research from ayurveda, epic documents of spiritual science, vedas, upnishads and western science.
The video is in two parts.
The Science and Art of managing Self- Part 1
A video providing lots of valuable information on life management and keep the health in focus.