Major, minor and sub-minor energy centres |
All these years, I watched the world as an observer. I always remain confused with the way of life people apt to follow. Everybody wants to grow rich in no time, wants material and career gains as early as possible and for those gains he keeps on hopping. At the end of it, what he gets? Frustration, grudge, anxiety, diseases and hospitalisation. I was confused about the life and about the way of leading the life. I was confused as why people loose their peace of mind for piece of money? Money is certainly a most desired commodity but I will get to the tune of my competence.
As the civilisation began few thousand years ago, there were hardly any diseases. People died of either old age or injury in those days. Today we have the best of medical facilities and health care systems but the immune system of the human at large has failed. The cells within the body starts fighting and killing each other and we become diseased. We have endless numbers of diseases hovering on us. We die for no justifiable reasons today. Death due to starvation, disaster or war can have justification but millions of people dying of cancer, hypertension, heart failure, diabetes and anxiety has no justification at all. Who is responsible for the untimely death of millions?
I am a mining engineer but entered the wellness industry to understand the way of life that will "NOT" make me sick at the end.

Once I was reading about cell biology. I read that there are trillions of cells in the body. I also read that every cell is unique and can produce different chemicals in different situations. E.g. if I am happy the cell will produce chemical and if I am sad the same cell will produce different chemicals (see yellow circle in the figure). I was confused that if the same cell can generate different chemicals in different state of mind then how we can justify that the interpretation by a doctor (anyone for that matter) about any patient's health is correct. It is just an indication at that moment of time. That's all. I decided to get some confirmation so searched some web site and found some addresses of cell biologist expert in human cells. I humbly wrote about my confusion and sincerely admitted that it is not my field so want to understand in layman's language. The expert preferred not to respond to my curious mails. I concluded that no one in this world can tell you exactly the cause of your disease and can even guarantee that he will cure you 100%. Everything that is visible is just incidental and symptomic at that moment of time. The next moment, the mental and emotional state of the individual changes, these symptoms and conditions changes.
I saw my close ones dying, becoming diseased because of anxiety, grudges and poor life-style management. Our thought process decides the quality of our life. Only handful of doctors access and evaluate the mental and emotional status of the individual before treating him that has a larger role in getting well or remaining sick. Others simply treat him on symptoms visible at that moment of time.
Taxonomy of mental and emotional body |
My thoughts are the main culprits if I spoil my life with diseases. My thoughts remain with me from the moment I got conceived in my mother's womb. These thoughts interacted with the outside world even I stayed there for nine months. My thoughts are the major inputs for my mental and emotional body. Let me clarify that physical body is what we see and, mental and emotional bodies are energy bodies those are governed by thousands of energy clusters within our body. Our thought process generate millions of chemicals those flow with the blood. Negative or harmful chemicals cloud the energy clusters resulting in poor response. Good chemicals cleanse these energy clusters thus improving the quality of interaction. When the energy clusters remain clouded we remain in descendant state and when these clusters are cleansed and charged we move in ascendant state. If thoughts are polluted, full of anxiety and negativity; our mental and emotional body remain in descendent state meaning thereby that we remain lost in wish/ fancy or reasoning, lust/ sex and ego. our life becomes hell and we are most likely to become sick and diseased with diabetes, hypertension and millions of other diseases for which nothing much can be done. Correction can be applied only by moderating the life-style vis-à-vis thinking style. The basic principles of life i.e.
yam, niyam, pratihara, asan, pranayama, dhyan, dharna and Samadhi are known as
asthang yoga. If we really want to move in the ladder of happiness meaning thereby, taking life towards ascendant state then the only solution is to apply the principles of
asthang yoga in our life. Change your thoughts and change your mind-body connections.
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