It is evident that there is some medium that works between two individuals when they try to interact with each other. The medium is air where sound travels, where light travels, where other electrical and electro-magnetic energy travel. Our thoughts are electro-magnetic energy like waves of our mobile phones. The range of thoughts are much higher than those of mobile phone frequencies. Actually your thoughts already reach the person in advance of your verbal communication. Thoughts travel faster as they are energy fields. The scientist from "Popov Group" Kaminski and Nikolov conducted initial researches on telepathy and proved that thought waves transmitted by one person reaches the other and vise-versa.
Telepathy may be defined as the transference of thoughts from the Mind of one person to the Mind of another person, or several other people, usually subconsciously, but in the case of those with high telepathic abilities can also be intentional. Telepathy often occurs spontaneously whereby a person might suddenly receive a “thought” from someone standing nearby, and might even respond to that though verbally much to the surprise of the originator of the thought. This happens much more often than people might realise, but very often such received thoughts are dismissed as a “figment of the imagination” originating in the Mind of the person who “received” the thought.
There are people who can communicate telepathically over great distances and with complete accuracy. Space and time are no barriers to telepathy, as the communication process is taking place upon the Mental Plane beyond the confines of space and time, and is therefore instantaneous, being a projection of Energy in the form of vibration.
Although telepathy is an ability that can be learned, there are people who inherently exhibit a very high level of telepathic ability, as sometimes happens in the case of identical twins for example.
Thoughts are at different levels of energy and therefore one receives only that level of thought to which his brain is set to receive. Thoughts remain in the form of thought clouds. These are formed due to conglomerate of similar thoughts. Our emotional body or astral body is responsible for generation, transmission and reception of thoughts. The health of emotional body decides the quality of thoughts; it means, healthy the emotional body is, higher level of thoughts can be transmitted by the brain.
Everyone in the Astral and inner worlds can therefore communicate regardless of the country or even planet from which they originated. Among humans still living on Earth, the physical plane, telepathy can be much more subtle than the transfer of words or even sentences, and people can, and frequently do influence each other at a much more subconscious level. For example when a person is in a good mood, that mood can be transferred to people around him or her, or even at a great distance. Whole crowds of people can influence each other in this way, and it can often be noted that whole families or groups of office workers might be feeling happy or depressed at exactly the same time, or any one of a number of other states of Mind. This is a more subtle but nevertheless important aspect of telepathy, where emotions are being transmitted rather than intentional communications.
So how exactly does telepathy work? There are several laws in operation here conforming in particular to the great Universal Laws of Mentalism and Correspondence. We already know from the principle of Mentalism the entire Universe is mental in nature, being infinite Mind and Consciousness, with everyone being a seamless part of the whole. An infinite possible number of direct lines of communication are therefore possible. It should be noted at this point that as thought transference is a mental process, it takes place between the Minds of two or more people upon the Mental plane. From the Mental plane a thought is then transmitted to the Astral Body through the Mental matrix, and finally to the physical human Mind through the Astral matrix where it is interpreted in the form of native language. Again, these communications are still Energy that is vibrating, transmitted and subsequently received by one or more people who are “in tune” with the same energy vibrations.
Thoughts are therefore most important and critical elements of life. Quality of thoughts decides quality of one's life. Improving quality of thoughts is possible through training. Body chemistry is responsible for the opening and closing-up of energy centres.
Telepathy may be defined as the transference of thoughts from the Mind of one person to the Mind of another person, or several other people, usually subconsciously, but in the case of those with high telepathic abilities can also be intentional. Telepathy often occurs spontaneously whereby a person might suddenly receive a “thought” from someone standing nearby, and might even respond to that though verbally much to the surprise of the originator of the thought. This happens much more often than people might realise, but very often such received thoughts are dismissed as a “figment of the imagination” originating in the Mind of the person who “received” the thought.
There are people who can communicate telepathically over great distances and with complete accuracy. Space and time are no barriers to telepathy, as the communication process is taking place upon the Mental Plane beyond the confines of space and time, and is therefore instantaneous, being a projection of Energy in the form of vibration.

Thoughts are at different levels of energy and therefore one receives only that level of thought to which his brain is set to receive. Thoughts remain in the form of thought clouds. These are formed due to conglomerate of similar thoughts. Our emotional body or astral body is responsible for generation, transmission and reception of thoughts. The health of emotional body decides the quality of thoughts; it means, healthy the emotional body is, higher level of thoughts can be transmitted by the brain.
Everyone in the Astral and inner worlds can therefore communicate regardless of the country or even planet from which they originated. Among humans still living on Earth, the physical plane, telepathy can be much more subtle than the transfer of words or even sentences, and people can, and frequently do influence each other at a much more subconscious level. For example when a person is in a good mood, that mood can be transferred to people around him or her, or even at a great distance. Whole crowds of people can influence each other in this way, and it can often be noted that whole families or groups of office workers might be feeling happy or depressed at exactly the same time, or any one of a number of other states of Mind. This is a more subtle but nevertheless important aspect of telepathy, where emotions are being transmitted rather than intentional communications.
So how exactly does telepathy work? There are several laws in operation here conforming in particular to the great Universal Laws of Mentalism and Correspondence. We already know from the principle of Mentalism the entire Universe is mental in nature, being infinite Mind and Consciousness, with everyone being a seamless part of the whole. An infinite possible number of direct lines of communication are therefore possible. It should be noted at this point that as thought transference is a mental process, it takes place between the Minds of two or more people upon the Mental plane. From the Mental plane a thought is then transmitted to the Astral Body through the Mental matrix, and finally to the physical human Mind through the Astral matrix where it is interpreted in the form of native language. Again, these communications are still Energy that is vibrating, transmitted and subsequently received by one or more people who are “in tune” with the same energy vibrations.
Thoughts are therefore most important and critical elements of life. Quality of thoughts decides quality of one's life. Improving quality of thoughts is possible through training. Body chemistry is responsible for the opening and closing-up of energy centres.
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