Are you emotional? or
Are you emotionally healthy?
Having emotions and feelings are quite natural. There can be arguments of whether feelings are emotions or emotions have separate entity, but both aggravate the internal mechanism of the body and create modified mental and physical conditions. What I am refereeing here is emotions carried forward in day-to-day life in such a way that they becomes habit. e.g. anger, agitation, grudges or even happiness are the carried forward feelings and emotions and have become a habit. And if negatively poised, always remaining sad and sulky, you are "labelled as an emotional guy".
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Being emotional means having deep seated feelings those became habits and those can be easily excited or triggered by a trivial action. I get suddenly angry, if things are not happening my way. So, getting angry has become a habit and any trivial action like rejection, poor attention or insult can aggravate it. Being emotionally sensitive is necessary element of life but becoming oversensitive make things worse.
Emotional outburst with little provocation is the indicator of being emotionally over- sensitive. If you are highly emotional, outburst into tears is a common phenomenon of your life. You get charged up with words and have absolutely no control on your emotional reactions. You get upset, irritated, angered, agitated and anxious thousand times in a day and remain clueless as what goes wrong? You are emotionally over sensitive. You can flare-up in flames in a moment and the next moment you become euphoric. Getting thrilled by a small thing and getting shot by small hick-up. Oversensitive people are highly apprehensive and always have a unknown fear dominent.
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2. Do you recognise your sensitivity?
It is important to learn about one's own emotional sensitivity. Our state of sensitivity can be gauged by others easily because we hardly get any clues about it. Other can know and judge easily that I am over-sensitive, less-sensitive or moderately sensitive because of my reactions, reflections and judgements. It is a common place that we judge people before we hardly could have known him/her. Over sensitive people have no control on flow of their thoughts and they become less predictable and more apprehensive. Less-sensitive people may be of two types; one who sensed everything but avoid reflections and another who is really careless and unconcerned. Former type may be emotionally healthy person but the later types are hard-hearted people. Being emotionally over-sensitive or less sensitive (former type) is getting more than diseased. One can not realise in terms of loss till everything is lost and then it is too late. Emotional people exercise less self-control and put pressure on controlling others through their emotional moves. One has to identify "what triggers emotional outburst"? You has to look to your life vocabulary, your body language and facial expressions because they do tell a lot about your emotions. Negatively charged words do much harm as they are the source of negative thoughts.
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3. Who is emotionally healthy and who is not?
We have seen that emotionally over-sensitive people are certainly NOT emotionally healthy. Then who is emotionally healthy person? Is controlling emotions, trigger harmful chemicals in the body? Emotionally healthy persons are always cheerful, energetic and have great passion to survive in all odds. It can be understood that they have power of resilience, high level of commitment and modesty demonstrated of & on in their day-to-day life. How can we differentiate between an emotional person and an emotionally healthy person. Let me give some typical symptoms differentiating the two.
It can be concluded that remaining over-sensitive or highly emotionally charged is no good for the health. One tend to pay a very heavy cost for being emotionally unhealthy at the end. It invites disease state in the body, we become diseased over a period of time.
Turning an emotional person into an emotionally healthy person requires a plan of action for correction, modification and sustenance. And more importantly, it requires lot of time, patience and strong will to change.
4. How can someone become an emotionally healthy person?
It is NOT impossible but a little tedious task to bring about that change. Most of the habits we follow are genetically coded in us and there is a natural resistance within the internal mechanism to accept any change. Suppose I have been born to parents who are short tempered, angered and agitated in nature then these traits are genetically transferred in me. Therefore for making a stable change in my emotional health, lot of internal cleansing is desired.
Learning from the past is most important. Review your conversations, actions, reactions, reflections those have brought about serious heartburn or created rift and rigour. Identify the trigger points those make you angered, agitated or apprehensive. Try to figure out, "how many times, you were the first to react?" Observe your life vocabullary. Generally negatively poised words which are part of our life vocabullary become the source of our emotional wreckage. Find out the disempowering metaphor that misguides your life. Suppose you own a "Critical" metaphor, then whatever you will see, you will see it through the critical metaphor. And your reactions, reflections, feedback, feelings and opinion will echo critique. Choose an empowering metaphor. Choosing the empowering metaphor will initiate you "NOT to react negatively". Identify the stress buttons, those put you in jitter. This exercise provides the sources of breakdowns in the form of negatively poised vocabulary, disempowering metaphor and stress buttons.
Are you emotionally healthy?

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Being emotional means having deep seated feelings those became habits and those can be easily excited or triggered by a trivial action. I get suddenly angry, if things are not happening my way. So, getting angry has become a habit and any trivial action like rejection, poor attention or insult can aggravate it. Being emotionally sensitive is necessary element of life but becoming oversensitive make things worse.
1. What does it mean to be emotionally oversensitive?

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2. Do you recognise your sensitivity?
It is important to learn about one's own emotional sensitivity. Our state of sensitivity can be gauged by others easily because we hardly get any clues about it. Other can know and judge easily that I am over-sensitive, less-sensitive or moderately sensitive because of my reactions, reflections and judgements. It is a common place that we judge people before we hardly could have known him/her. Over sensitive people have no control on flow of their thoughts and they become less predictable and more apprehensive. Less-sensitive people may be of two types; one who sensed everything but avoid reflections and another who is really careless and unconcerned. Former type may be emotionally healthy person but the later types are hard-hearted people. Being emotionally over-sensitive or less sensitive (former type) is getting more than diseased. One can not realise in terms of loss till everything is lost and then it is too late. Emotional people exercise less self-control and put pressure on controlling others through their emotional moves. One has to identify "what triggers emotional outburst"? You has to look to your life vocabulary, your body language and facial expressions because they do tell a lot about your emotions. Negatively charged words do much harm as they are the source of negative thoughts.
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3. Who is emotionally healthy and who is not?
We have seen that emotionally over-sensitive people are certainly NOT emotionally healthy. Then who is emotionally healthy person? Is controlling emotions, trigger harmful chemicals in the body? Emotionally healthy persons are always cheerful, energetic and have great passion to survive in all odds. It can be understood that they have power of resilience, high level of commitment and modesty demonstrated of & on in their day-to-day life. How can we differentiate between an emotional person and an emotionally healthy person. Let me give some typical symptoms differentiating the two.
An emotional person
An emotionally healthy person
Reaction to anger
Reaction to argument
Fight to die
Reaction to untimely demand
Cool denial
Reaction to panic situation
Reaction to get something
Reaction to an unfriendly situation
Reaction to grief situation
Reaction to bullying
Firm denial
Reaction to help sought by a known person
Reaction to help sought by an unknown person
Flat denial
Reaction to taking risk for career
Risk taking
Turning an emotional person into an emotionally healthy person requires a plan of action for correction, modification and sustenance. And more importantly, it requires lot of time, patience and strong will to change.
4. How can someone become an emotionally healthy person?
It is NOT impossible but a little tedious task to bring about that change. Most of the habits we follow are genetically coded in us and there is a natural resistance within the internal mechanism to accept any change. Suppose I have been born to parents who are short tempered, angered and agitated in nature then these traits are genetically transferred in me. Therefore for making a stable change in my emotional health, lot of internal cleansing is desired.
- Take a decision
This is the first step to bring any sizeable change in one's life. You can become an emotionally healthy person provided you have taken a decision to change yourself. Now, you and ONLY YOU are responsible to bring about that change in you. Taking a decision makes me assertive and forward oriented. Remind yourself again and again that you have taken a decision to become emotionally healthy and remind constantly that you are the owner of that decision. Make it your screen saver or wallpaper with bold "I am emotionally healthy".
- Observe the internal mechanism

- Make a plan for correction and implement with full rigour
Well said Are We Emotional or Emotionally Healthy!!
ReplyDeleteIf we remain Emotional Health : We will be
1. Assertive (+)
2. Ambitious (+)
3. Strong WIlled (+)
4. Decisive (+)
5. Patient (+)
6. Stable (+)
7. Sociable(+)
8. Persuasive(+)
9. Consistent(+)
10. Careful (+)
11. Systematic(+)
12. Charming(+)
13. Enthusiastic(+)
14. HAPPY (++)
If we remain Emotional: We will be
1. Aggressive (-)
2. Demanding (-)
3. Egoistic(-)
4. Bossy(-)
5. Selfish(-)
6. Poor Listener(-)
7. Passive (-)
8. Slow(-)
9. Stubborn(-)
10. Critical(-)
11. Fussy(-)
12. Picky(-)
13. Hard to please (-)
14. UNHAPPY (--)
Very true. Thanks for your comment.