Friday 11 September 2020

एक कहानी- नियति या ईश्वर


जंगल में एक गर्भवती हिरनी बच्चे को जन्म देने को थी वो एकांत जगह की तलाश में घुम रही थीकि उसे नदी किनारे ऊँची और घनी घास दिखी। उसे वो उपयुक्त स्थान लगा शिशु को जन्म देने के लिये। वहां पहुँचते  ही उसे प्रसव पीडा शुरू हो गयी।

उसी समय आसमान में घनघोर बादल वर्षा को आतुर हो उठे और बिजली कडकने लगी। 

उसने दांये देखातो एक शिकारी तीर का निशानाउस की तरफ साध रहा था। घबराकर वह दाहिने मुडीतो वहां एक भूखा शेरझपटनेको तैयार बैठा था। सामने सूखी घास आग पकड चुकी थी और पीछे मुडीतो नदी में जल बहुत था।

 मादा हिरनी क्या करती ? वह प्रसव पीडा से व्याकुल थी। अब क्या होगा ? क्या हिरनी जीवित बचेगी ? क्या वो अपने शावक को जन्म दे पायेगी ? क्या शावक जीवित रहेगा ? 

 क्या जंगल की आग सब कुछ जला देगी ? क्या मादा हिरनी शिकारी के तीर से बच पायेगी ?क्या मादा हिरनी भूखे शेर का भोजन बनेगी?

वो एक तरफ आग से घिरी है और पीछे नदी है। क्या करेगी वो ?

 हिरनी अपने आप को शून्य में छोडअपने बच्चे को जन्म देने में लग गयी।

कुदरत का करिश्मा देखिये। बिजली चमकी और तीर छोडते हुएशिकारी की आँखे चौंधिया गयी।

उसका तीर हिरनी के पास से गुजरतेशेर की आँख में जा लगा,शेर दहाडता हुआ इधर उधर भागने लगा।और शिकारीशेर को घायल ज़ानकर भाग गया। घनघोर बारिश शुरू हो गयी और जंगल की आग बुझ गयी। हिरनी ने शावक को जन्म दिया।

 हमारे जीवन में भी कभी कभी कुछ क्षण ऐसे आते हैजब हम चारो तरफ से समस्याओं से घिरे होते हैं और कोई निर्णय नहीं ले पाते।तब सब कुछ नियति के हाथों सौंपकर अपने उत्तरदायित्व  प्राथमिकता पर ध्यान केन्द्रित करना चाहिए। कर्म की प्रधानता ही सब कुछ है | अन्ततयशअपयशहार-जीतजीवनमृत्यु का अन्तिम निर्णय कर्म की नियति ही तय करती है। हमें उस पर विश्वास कर अपने कर्म में निरत रहना चाहिए।


कुछ लोग हमारी *सराहनाकरेंगे,

कुछ लोग हमारी *आलोचनाकरेंगे।

दोनों ही मामलों में हम *फायदेमें हैं,

एक हमें *प्रेरितकरेगा और

दूसरा हमारे भीतर *सुधारलाएगा।।


*अच्छा सोचें*

तो अच्छा ही होगा

जो होता हैउसमें ईश्वर तुम्हारा ही हित देखता है। तुम्हें उस समय सब विपरीत ज़रूर नज़र आता हैपर यह समय ही जानता है कि जोसामने आगे आयेगा वही तुम्हारे लिए सबसे उत्तम होगा। इसलिए केवल कर्म पर भरोसा होना चाहिए।

Monday 31 August 2020

Happiness at a stretch

 Unwind happiness 

1. Happiness is innate, ingrained and deep-seated within you. People attach meaning of happiness with material gains such as having luxurious items, a grand house or an imported car or branded items or an extravagant vacation and so on. These possessions may have some meaning to those who relate status symbol with material possessions. Happiness is internal and can be realised with pure heart. Listen to this to understand the real happiness.

You may live without many things but at the ultimate end what you will need in life is “a hand to hold” and “a shoulder to rest your head”. This will give you ultimate satisfaction of being live with someone. 

2. Apprehensions provoke you to block roads of happiness. You doubt, object, fight and ultimately get distressed because of apprehensions.  This distress culminates into number of diseases. 

3. If you are really want to be happy in life, accept the things and people as they are. Don’t even try changing others at once by criticising, blaming or pulling legs, but find happiness in smallest changes that you do to them to make a bigger comfort zone for yourself.

4. If you expect modesty from others, be modest yourself. If you want to get peace, give peace a place in your mind. Your brain is a centre stage to design quality of your life. A healthy and happy brain is a source of happy mind and a healthy and happy mind creates a healthy body. 

5. Talk to yourself if you are looking solutions for some personal problems. But when you talk to yourself don’t justify what you say or believe rather contradict it, contrast it and critique it as if your are your own opponent. This will provide you with many alternatives to probable solutions. It normally happens that our belief system does not allow space for new thought because it says, “what I believe is only right “. But when you initiate criticism of your own thoughts, it will vent way for change in your own beliefs slowly and believe me, you will find surmountable change in your thinking style in day’s to come.

Your life may change when you start thinking about your own belief system.

Open your Joy- Channel

 Open your joy channel

If you are most times in pains, you tend to have your pain channels open and as a result pain becomes the natural flow of emotions for any reaction. Your brain, in that case simply understands pains, pains and only pains. So it receives pain signals and delivers pain signals. Joy channel or happiness channel become foreign to it. So if you are impulsive, aggressive, agitated and angered most of the time then be sure that your pain delivering neurological gateway are wide open.

Your body tend to discharge harmful chemicals and poisonous matter as a result of mind-body interactions of pain and misery. Even a little anxiety becomes the source of ignition to those active neurotransmitters capable to release poison in the body. This also clogs many pathways and seal many happiness channels. The important point to bring good health to you is open up the happiness channels. The joy channels and happiness channels become dormant. Each cell of the body responds to signals from brain through these neurotransmitters. If cells are happy and healthy, you will remain happy and healthy. But if these cells have to receive only poison all the time they will become weak and fragile. They die faster than their normal life-span and as a result your body starts ageing faster than its natural course of ageing. If you want to remain happy and healthy and want to die peacefully, you will have to keep your cells happy and healthy. And for that, most important action you have to do is to train your mind to convert the pain channels to neutral channels first and later recharge these channels as pleasure channels. Reopening is an exercise that needs to be carried out and practiced regularly in life, else your body will forget feel good feelings and you will end up in a diseased state. There is absolutely “No no no” medicine to open up happiness channels except for neurotransmitters to be awakened, recharged and reactivated. Pranayam and meditation are the practices need to be adapted as part of life to find a way for rejuvenation. These practices are need to be learned from the masters who know the science and art of pranayam and meditation. 

There are so many pitfalls in life which become glaring concern of failure in later stage and you tend to think that”had I had not taken such decisions “.

How to have a sound immune system?

How can I learn and perform faster and better. How to overcome my anxiety and aggression. How to control my words, anger and agitation.

How to be a good parents.

How to choose the right career.

How to make my relationship wonderful.

How to remain happy and healthy. 

These are few questions where nobody but you have to find your answer. Managing one’s life effectively and efficiently is key for success and happiness in life. Often you learn it by yourself or follow others which certainly is not a viable option. Develop conscious decision making, passion, resilience or become emotionally intelligent can not happen by chance. This can happen only by customised scientific training of “self-management” which we call “Life-n-richment”. 

A word of caution- 🤔 Never fall victim to hacks and quacks otherwise you will end up cursing me. 🤗..

There are four stages for adapting any change in one’s lifestyle.

Surveillance >> design >> modification >>adaptation 

Surveillance is assessment of lifestyle changes  required for a healthy and happy life. 

Saturday 2 May 2020

Is Pandemic Pressure killing you??

Is Pandemic pressure killing you?? 
We are amidst a most traumatic situation caused by this pandemic, probably occurred never before. Uncertainties and negativity is dominant and is visible everywhere. Relaxing a mind is this situation is like saving ourselves from heat while sitting close to fire. It looks impossible…!!!! isn’t it???

But it is the need of the hour to find a valid, reliable and feasible solution to relax our minds during this crises. One has to understand the process, how mind relaxes and one has also to understand that all brains are different. That means, every brain will have its unique process, method or strategy of relaxation and therefore everyone has to adapt suitable strategy as per his own requirement. Second thing which we need to understand is that, the brain is a physical entity and mind is an energy entity. We call mind as मन, चेतना या प्राणस्वरूप. Mind remains in constant dynamic state means it is never steady. The dynamic state of mind depends upon the strength of mind. If mind is stronger, it will not be affected by uncertainties and negativity. But if the mind is unstable or weak, it will fall back to every situation, event or episode and become further weak. The connections of brains and immunity of the body therefore depends upon the strength of mind. Stronger the mind, stronger will be the brain and immunity, and weaker the mind, poorer will be the brain and immunity of the body.
I have tried to explain the relationship of brain and mind in a simple and subtle way. One has to weigh his/her own state of mind to develop his/her own strategy, method or relaxation. Each brain can be trained and its connections can be rewired. This is a time taking process but anyone looking to adapt such change has to begin it one day in his/her life-time. I would request you go through this article to understand relationship of your thoughts, mind, body chemistry and rewiring of brain.
Now moving forward, how to choose a suitable method for relaxation?
  1. Don’t indulge with situations, events, discourses either physically, mentally or emotionally which lead to thoughts of negativity.
  2. Use yoga, asan, aerobics, dance or any other technique to relax each part of the body.
  3. Adapt light diet which is easily digestible and increase fluid intake.
  4. Use meditative techniques to relax the mind. There are hundreds of techniques for meditation.
  5. Keep on using 1 to 4 as your mind relaxes and brain starts rewiring till you start realising the benefits of mind relaxation.
You have billions of live cells which make-up your body. A few million cells die every minute and a depression, anxiety, body chemistryfew million take birth every minute. The cells which die are more in numbers over those which take birth, and that is how you get aged. Cells die faster if you remain anxious, angry, aggressive, sad and depressed. So the million dollar solution is to retard the death of cells. “if your cells remain happy, they won’t die faster” and this is the solution of relaxation.
It looks difficult but it is not impossible.

एक यादगार अनुभव- Graceful aging

Lanscape अभी अभी मैं उत्तराखण्ड के पहाड़ों से लौटा हूँ, बेटे अभिनव के अनुरोध पर काफी दिनों से कार्यक्रम बनता रहा पर आना अभी हो सका। वो ज्योली...